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Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Information

We’re fully aware that the current situation is causing disruption to businesses and we are keen to support you throughout this period. As you would expect, our staff are also our priority and we’re taking extra precautions when they’re out in the field.

Can I Talk To Someone About Your Service?

We’re open for business. Just complete this quick form or use Facebook Messenger on our site to contact us and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

How Much Would It Be To Upgrade My Website?

This depends on what you are looking for and how long it takes to accomplish the task. An example would be an average update that includes graphics, pictures, menu, google maps, update, server/hosting, and third-party booking/delivery options. These services are $40 per hour. New websites will depend on exactly what you will be needing for your company. contact us for quotes.

What Can I Expect From Restaurant Consulting?

Our team would do a secret dine in experience and observe your business, service and food quality using a rating system to see what is working and what we feel could use improvement, this service is free. We will then set a time to meet to go over our findings and see where we can help you improve overall with your input on what you would like to change. We will then set up a plan of action regarding website, menu, service, training, designing and any other details to help you optimize your business.

How Much Is Social Media Managing And Monitoring?

Depending on how often you would like us to help you. Our minimum is one hour per week and our Most is an hour per day, this includes manage your social groups, including Facebook boost / target marketing, uploads, responses, rep posting in groups to promote your business etc. It does Not include any designing or graphic arts.

Didn’t Find the Answer?

We can offer support to your operation in person, on the phone or online. It’s always our goal to keep you running.

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